2 Tips For Performing A Monthly Checkup On Your Home's Gas Heating System

Especially in the coldest parts of winter, you do not want to be surprised with an issue with your home's heating system that would leave you without heat. To help catch problems before they get out of hand, get in the habit of using the tips below to perform a monthly checkup while you are changing the air filter.

1.  Check the Pilot Light

When inspecting your furnace once a month, one place you can start with your checkup is the pilot light. The appearance of the pilot light can give you some insight into the health of your furnace, as well as let you know of any issues with the gas line.

After opening the access panel to the pilot light, look at its color. If the gas line is clear and the pilot's burner is clean, the flame should have a light blue hue with a hint of white at its base.

However, if your pilot is glowing orange, red, or yellow, it can indicate a problem with either the gas and air mixture or with the pilot's burner. If this is the case, contact an HVAC contractor immediately so they can inspect and repair the problem.

2.  Inspect the Wires Around the Heater

During the winter months, you and your family are not the only ones who need a warm shelter from the cold weather. Because of this, mice and rats may make their way into your home and gravitate toward the furnace to get warm.

Since rodents are gnawers, they may start chewing on the wires around and inside your furnace. If they chew too much, you may wind up with a gas furnace that does not have electricity flowing to the blower.

After you have checked the pilot light, shut off the furnace, and open the side panel so you can see the wires inside. Then, look at the power cord to see if you find any evidence of rodents chewing on it. If you find any damage, have a professional take a look at the wires and replace them if needed.

Performing a monthly checkup on your home's gas heating system can help you keep it running smoothly, as well as discover any issues before they get worse. If you suspect there is a problem, contact a heating systems service to have them inspect your system and take any necessary action so that you are not left without heat during the winter months.
