Why You Should Convert Your Heating And Cooling System From Oil To Gas

If you're a homeowner that's looking for a smart investment or upgrade for your heating system, there are reasons why you may want to consider converting your oil unit to one that burns gas. Gas heating units burn cleaner than oil indoors, with highly efficient fuel usage that doesn't release fumes each time it the system sparks. Gas is more readily available than oil, with costs that make it a more affordable option for routine heating needs.

The Gas is Greener

When it comes to using a heating alternative that's greener for both the environment and your wallet, it pays to use gas. Gas has an unparallelled knack for combustibility, with the most minimal amount releasing a high degree of heat during the process.

A typical household can spend close to $2000 more with oil than gas in home heating annually. The cost difference in heating your home is due to the relative availability of gas in the Western hemisphere and global fluctuations experienced with oil. And though you'll have to pay up front to convert an oil HVAC system to gas, you can earn as much as 9% efficiency in energy consumption every year you rely on this green alternative.

Conversion is Affordable

Conversion of your new heating system from oil to gas requires a couple of services that have to be completed simultaneously, but sometimes incentives make conversion incredibly affordable when you factor in a unit that's considered high efficiency. Lining your masonry chimney is required for most gas units when conversion occurs, which can cost you anywhere from $750-2000, but a highly efficient system won't require lining and installing one will also earn you tax incentives.

The obligatory cost of oil to gas conversion is anywhere from $500-1000. This is a one-time fee that is paid to run a line from your meter to your central unit, which is completed by a licensed contractor. If your line requires trenching from your tank to your home, the cost can run hundreds more to thousands. The up side of this though, is that gas companies will sometimes foot the bill of backhoe and trenching services in order to get you connected.

The last fee you may pay, though not required, is for removal of your old oil tank. Removing your old tank can cost thousands of dollars if it's buried, but it may be required to avoid degradation that occurs over time and can leach into your groundwater. If your old tank, above or below ground, is empty, the choice is yours if you want to ultimately have it removed or not at the time of conversion.
